Time Management For Students

1. Have Very Clear Goals
 We need to think about and set our goals. Be motivated. Once we realize that we want to achieve our goals then we are motivated to work towards success. We will overcome any problems or distractions that come along our way. We will then see the importance of time and manage our time better. Do not lose sight of our goals ; from time to time, we need to reflect and check our path leading to the getting of our goals.

2. Set Deadlines and Meet Them
Many students do not get their work or tasks done because they take things too easy. Given a project or any piece of work - be it a report, an essay, an assignment - we need to set a time limit to do and complete it. Once we have finished our work on time, we will feel a sense of satisfaction and we can then move on to other things. In this way, things get done on time and we will not pile up our work thereby bringin about unnecessary stress and tension.

3. Get Our Priorities Right
The general principles is : "Most important things first ; leave the least important or minor details to the last." When we have to choose among different things to be done in a specific time period, we use our wisdom to decide on the order. Ask ourselves questions such as: 'Which is directing me to my goal?' 'Are they really beneficial to me?' 'Which really require my attention now?' 'Am I being swayed just just by my emotions, feelings or desires without wisdom and rational thinking?'

4. Plan and Follow a Programme
There is a saying : "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!" Think clearly and plan out a programme based essentially on our objectives or goals. Our programme or timetable has to be practical or realistic. We can consult our teachers or counsellors for help where necessary. In our planned programme, of course time has to be given for academic work (study, homework, tuition, revision, reading), sports and games, extracurricular activities, leisure, recreation and rest. And remember, we must make it a point to follow our programme as much as we can. Be honest ; we can't cheat ourselves. Time will tell.

5. Always Be Punctual
These days, too often we waste one another's time because we don't practise punctuality. We wait for one another for appointments, meetings, classes and what-nots. In situations where we have a say or control, we should set a good example by being punctual. Precious time is saved. If we have the bad habit of often being not punctual for appointments, then we must make a determined effort to change. Train your mind to be mindful, set the clock, write it down on your home notice board, keep a memo pad with you or use any other effective method to improved your punctuality.

6. Use Efficient Ways
Time wastage often occurs when we are careless, make mistakes or use poor methods to carry out our tasks. We need to think before we act and not the other way round. Good knowledge and experiences (obtained through reading, good education and interaction with intelligent and wise people) of course would help a lot. For example, when we study, in order to be more effective we need to use more active methods rather than mere passive and dull reading. Underlining, highlighting, reciting study materials and problem-solving exercise are useful techniques.

7. Be Alert, Be Mindful
Being mindful or paying close attention to whatever we do goes a long way towards saving time. Many students pay insufficient attention in class. As a result, understanding, remembering and assimilation of lessons is reduced and the students need to spend more time to catch up. What a waste! When we are highly attentive to things, we make less careless mistakes. And our memory improves to! Being alert to whatever goes on around us sharpens and energizes our mind.

8. Practise Strong Discipline
"I do have a timetable, but I can never follow it!" What a common lame excuse among so many students. Remember, great mental discipline is essential to attain success in whatever we undertake to do. We need to learn to say NO at times when so-called friends invite us out, want to distract us and tempt us to have empty or silly fun when we know that we have certain important things to attend to. W have to show wisdom and stick to our principles. Others cannot force us to do things if we do not want to. We have to stop giving excuse.

9. Do Not Procrastinate
Procrastination is a thief of time. How very true this is! We have to ask ourselves how many times we failed to get things done because we keep putting them off to a later date. It is not that we cannot find the time. If we are truly honest, more often it is due to our bad habit of postponing things; we lack a sense of urgency and the days, weeks and months just pass by and our tasks are still undone. And when we do things at the last minute, we tend to mess things up and more time is wasted!

10. Don't Waste Time
Knowing that time is a priceless commodity, we must learn to use our time wisely. Time waits for no man and woman. Think. How much time have we wasted. If we have been wasting too much time, it's time we take stock of and check things. Strive to change!

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